
          Noah and Orca is inspired by yantra, thangka and geomancy art. The artistry is soulful, expressive and intended to help people activate higher creativity within the household and mind. Noah and Orca are children belonging to the New Age––Aquarian Age, an age of innovation, self-responsibility and clarity. They are exuberant, fearless and visionary people who demand greater dignity and higher creativity on Planet Earth.
          The artistry is a portal into empowered living and a tool to balancing the spiritual and material life energy. The portal awakens wisdom and mastery of character and mind for prosperity, harmony and healing. The artistry is a key to the Akasha force that gives us talent and simplicity to solve, resolve and create with clear feeling, authentic personality and fierce excellence.

Email Earthangelrosa@gmail.com for painting inquire.

What are Frequency Paintings?